Krenkel, Lars (Prof. Dr.), Publikationen - Labor Biofluidmechanik
2024 |
Maria Stella Wagner, Michael Kranz, Lars Krenkel, Daniel Pointner, Maik Foltan, Matthias Lubnow, Karla Lehle | Computer based visualization of clot structures in extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and histological clot investigations for understanding thrombosis in membrane lungs | Frontiers in Medicine, 2024 | BibTeX DOI |
2023 |
Maximilian P. Lingel, Moritz Haus, Lukas Paschke, Maik Foltan, Matthias Lubnow, Michael Gruber, Lars Krenkel, Karla Lehle | Clinical relevance of cell-free DNA during venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation | Artificial organs, 47(11), pp. 1720-1731, 2023 | BibTeX DOI |
Sandra Melina Tauwald, Johanna Michel, Marie Brandt, Veronika Vielsmeier, Christian Stemmer, Lars Krenkel | Experimental studies and mathematical modeling of the viscoelastic rheology of tracheobronchial mucus from respiratory healthy patients | Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine, 18(1), 2023 | BibTeX DOI |
2022 |
Vera Stelzer, Lars Krenkel | 2D numerical investigations derived from a 3D dragonfly wing captured with a high-resolution micro-CT | Technology and health care : official journal of the European Society for Engineering and Medicine, 30(1), pp. 283-289, 2022 | BibTeX DOI |
2020 |
Clemens Birkenmaier, Christian Dornia, Karla Lehle, Thomas Müller, Michael Andreas Gruber, Alois Philipp, Lars Krenkel | Analysis of Thrombotic Deposits in Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenators by High-resolution Microcomputed Tomography: A Feasibility Study | ASAIO Journal / American Society for Artificial Internal Organs, 66(8), pp. 922-928, 2020 | BibTeX DOI |
Martin Schecklmann, Maximilian Schmausser, Felix Klinger, Peter M. Kreuzer, Lars Krenkel, Berthold Langguth | Resting motor threshold and magnetic field output of the figure-of-8 and the double-cone coil | scientific reports, 10(1), 2020 | BibTeX DOI |
2019 |
Tamara Steiger, Maik Foltan, Alois Philipp, Thomas Müller, Michael Andreas Gruber, Andre Bredthauer, Lars Krenkel, Clemens Birkenmaier, Karla Lehle | Accumulations of von Willebrand factor within ECMO oxygenators: Potential indicator of coagulation abnormalities in critically ill patients? | 2019 |
BibTeX |
Tamara Steiger, Maik Foltan, Alois Philipp, Thomas Mueller, Michael Andreas Gruber, Andre Bredthauer, Lars Krenkel, Clemens Birkenmaier, Karla Lehle | Accumulations of von Willebrand factor within ECMO oxygenators: Potential indicator of coagulation abnormalities in critically ill patients? | Artificial Organs, 43(11), pp. 1065-1076, 2019 | BibTeX DOI |
2018 |
Andreas Diermeier, Dirk Sindersberger, Lars Krenkel, X. C. Rosell, Gareth J. Monkman | Controllable Magnetoactive Polymer Conduit | The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal, 12(1), pp. 192-200, 2018 |
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Alois Philipp, Filip de Somer, Maik Foltan, Andre Bredthauer, Lars Krenkel, Florian Zeman, Karla Lehle | Life span of different extracorporeal membrane systems for severe respiratory failure in the clinical practice | PLOS ONE, 13(6), pp. 1-10, 2018 | BibTeX DOI |
2012 |
Lars Krenkel | Investigation of the impact of vortex generators on the shock/boundary-layer interaction | 2012 |
BibTeX |
Lars Krenkel | Untersuchung des Einflusses von Wirbelgeneratoren auf die Stoß-/Grenzschicht-Wechselwirkung | Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen: Aachen, 2012 |
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Krenkel, Lars (Prof. Dr.), Präsentationen - Labor Biofluidmechanik
2024 |
M. Rutten, Lars Krenkel, M. Quadrio | Simulation and Analyis of the Unsteady Flow within Nasal Airways | 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering - ECCOMAS Congress, 3-7 June 2024, Lisbon, Portugal, 2024 |
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2023 |
Sandra Melina Tauwald, Maurizio Quadrio, Markus Rütten, Christian Stemmer, Lars Krenkel | High Spatial Resolution Tomo-PIV of the Trachea Focussing on the Physiological Breathing Cycle | New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics XIV - Contributions to the 23nd STAB/DGLR Symposium, 2023 |
BibTeX |
2022 |
Lars Krenkel, Johanna Michel, Niklas Keil, Jan Daschner | Experimental Investigation of Logitudinal Folds in Endotracheal Tube Cuffs and their Correlation to Silent Breathing | 23. DGLR Fach-Symposium Strömungen mit Ablösung, 09./10. November 2022, Berlin, Deutschland, Göttingen, 2022 |
BibTeX |
Vera Stelzer, Sandra Melina Tauwald, Veronika Vielsmeier, Fabian Cieplik, Arne Kandulski, Wulf Schneider-Brachert, Olaf Wuensch, Markus Rütten, Lars Krenkel | Generation, Distribution, and Contagiousness of Surgical Smoke during Tracheotomies | 23. DGLR Fach-Symposium Strömungen mit Ablösung, 09./10. November 2022, Berlin, Deutschland, Göttingen, 2022 |
BibTeX |
Sandra Melina Tauwald, Maurizio Quadrio, Markus Rütten, Christian Stemmer, Lars Krenkel | High Spatial Resolution Tomo-PIV of the Nasopharynx Focussing on the Physiological Breathing Cycle | 23. DGLR Fach-Symposium Strömungen mit Ablösung, 09./10. November 2022, Berlin, Deutschland, Göttingen, 2022 |
BibTeX |
Vera Stelzer, Markus Rütten, Lars Krenkel | Numerical Investigation of a 3D Dragonfly Wing Captured with a High-Resolution Micro-CT | 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS Congress 2022, 5-9 June 2022, Oslo, Norway, 2022 |
BibTeX |
2021 |
Dagmar Krefting, Sebastian Zaunseder, Dennis Säring, Thomas Wittenberg, Christoph Palm, Karin Schiecke, Lars Krenkel, Anja Hennemuth, Susanne Schnell, Nicolai Spicher | Blutdruck, Hämodynamik und Gefäßzustand: Innovative Erfassung und Bewertung – Schwerpunkt bildbasierte Verfahren | 66. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e. V. (GMDS), 12. Jahreskongress der Technologie- und Methodenplattform für die vernetzte medizinische Forschung e. V. (TMF), 26. - 30.09.2021, online, 2021 | BibTeX DOI |
Clemens Birkenmaier, Lars Krenkel | Convolutional Neural Networks for Approximation of Blood Flow in Artificial Lungs | New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics XIII: Contributions to the 22nd STAB/DGLR Symposium, Andreas Dillmann, Gerd Heller, Ewald Krämer, Claus Wagner (Eds.)pp. 451-460, 2021 | BibTeX 978-3-030-79560-3, DOI |
Clemens Birkenmaier, Lars Krenkel | Convolutional Neural Networks for Approximation of Internal Non-Newtonian Multiphase Flow Fields | 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM), ECCOMAS Congress 2020: 19–24 July 2020, Paris, France, F. Chinesta, R. Abgrall, O. Allix, M Kalistke (Eds.)2021 | BibTeX DOI |
Lars Krenkel | Maskenpflicht für Aerosole – wie wir medizinisches Personal in der Pandemie schützen | TRIOKON Digital 2021 : Zukunft Ostbayern, 29.09.2021, Weiden, Deutschland, 2021 |
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Lars Krenkel | Relevanz von Aerosolen im klinischen Kontext | Innovationstag Hygiene 2021, Continental Arena, Regensburg, Deutschland, 2021 |
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2019 |
Sandra Melina Tauwald, Lars Krenkel | Elementary experimental setup for flow visualization in upper human respiratory tract | 25th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, July 7-10, 2019, Vienna, Austria, 2019 |
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Clemens Birkenmaier, Christian Dornia, Karla Lehle, Lars Krenkel | Feasibility of detecting thrombotic deposits in membrane oxygenators using micro computed tomography | 25th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, July 7-10, 2019, Vienna, Austria, 2019 |
BibTeX |
Thomas Wagner, Lars Krenkel, Christian Dönitz, Alexander Brawanski | Influence of CFD Strategy on WSS and OSI Determination for Intracranial Aneurysm Rupture Assessment | 25th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, July 7-10, 2019, Vienna, Austria, 2019 |
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Karl Tschurtschenthaler, Lars Krenkel, Rupert Schreiner | Mechano-optical micro pillar sensor for biofluidmechanic wall shear stress measurements | 25th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB), July 7-10, 2019, Vienna, Austria, 2019 |
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2018 |
Clemens Birkenmaier, Tamara Steiger, Alois Philipp, Karla Lehle, Lars Krenkel | Flow-induced accumulations of von Willebrand factor inside oxygenators during extracorporeal life support therapy | Proceedings of 12th International Conference BIOMDLORE 2018, June 28–30, 2018, Białystok, Poland, 2018 | BibTeX DOI 978-1-5386-2396-1, |
Clemens Birkenmaier, Lars Krenkel | Towards a realistic model of blood viscosity and coagulation in membrane oxygenators | 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems) - ECCM 6; 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics - ECFD 7 : Glasgow, Scotland, UK, June 11-15, 2018, 2018 |
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2013 |
Janet Friedrich, Daniel Feldmann, Lars Krenkel, Claus Wagner, Laura Maria Schreiber | 19F Gas Flow Measurement of C3F7H During Constant Flow and High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation | Discovery, innovation & application - advancing mr for improved health : ISMRM 21st Annual Meeting & Exhibition ; SMRT 22nd Annual Meeting Salt Lake City, Utah, USA 20-26 April 2013, 2013 |
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2012 |
Markus Rütten, Lars Krenkel, Roland Kessler | Secondary Flow Effects as Physical Mechanism of Molecular Species Transport in Highly Oscillating Generic-Trachea Flows | 83rd Annual Scientific Conference of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 26.-30. März 2012, Darmstadt, Germany, 2012 |
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2010 |
Janet Friedrich, Julien Rivoire, Alexander Scholz, Wiegbert, Maxim Terekov, Rainer Kbrich, Lars Krenkel, Claus Wagner, Laura Maria Schreiber | Exploration of Gas Flow During High Frequency Oscillated Ventilation by 19F-Gas-MRI | Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol.18, 2010 |
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Lars Krenkel, Julien Pennecot, Christian Lenz, Daniel Feldmann, Claus Wagner | Optimierung der Hochfrequenz-Oszillationsventilation mittels strömungsmechanischer Methoden und kontrastgasgestützter Magnetresonanztomografie - Teilprojekt: Rekonstruktion von Geometrien aus medizinischen Bilddaten und Erstellung von Modellen für experimentelle Strömungsuntersuchungen | Laseranwendung in der Medizin, Erfassen und Verarbeiten kardiovaskulärer Signale, protektive Beatmungskonzepte : 3. Dresdner Medizintechnik-Symposium - mit DFG-Forschungsschwerpunkt Protektive Beatmungskonzepte, 6. bis 9. Dezember 2010, Dresden, Jens Füssel, Edmund Koch, Hagen Malberg (Eds.)pp. 107-114, 2010 | BibTeX 978-3-942710-02-2, |
Lars Krenkel, Claus Wagner, U. Wolf, A. Scholz, Maxim Terekhov, Julien Rivoire, W. Schreiber | Protective Artificial Lung Ventilation: Impact of an Endotracheal Tube on the Flow in a Generic Trachea | New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics VII : Contributions to the 16th STAB/DGLR Symposium Aachen, Germany 2008, Ernst Heinrich Hirschel, Wolfgang Schröder, Kozo Fujii, Werner Haase, Bram Leer, Michael A. Leschziner, Maurizio Pandolfi, Jacques Periaux, Arthur Rizzi, Bernard Roux, Yurii I. Shokin, Andreas Dillmann, Gerd Heller, Michael Klaas, Hans-Peter Kreplin, Wolfgang Nitsche (Eds.)pp. 505-512, 2010 | BibTeX 978-3-642-14242-0, DOI |
Krenkel, Lars (Prof. Dr.), Beitraege - Labor Biofluidmechanik
2023 |
Vera Stelzer, Sandra Melina Tauwald, Veronika Vielsmeier, Fabian Cieplik, Arne Kandulski, Wulf Schneider-Brachert, Olaf Wünsch, Markus Rütten, Lars Krenkel | Generation and Distribution of Surgical Smoke During High Frequency Electrocauterization | New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics XIV. STAB/DGLR Symposium 2022, Andreas Dillman, Gerd Heller, Ewald Kraemer, Claus Wagner, Julien Weiss (Eds.)pp. 559-568, 2023 | BibTeX DOI 978-3-031-40481-8, |
2011 |
Alexander-Wigbert K. Scholz, Lars Krenkel, Maxim Terekhov, Janet Friedrich, Julien Rivoire, Rainer Köbrich, Ursula Wolf, Daniel Kalthoff, Matthias David, Claus Wagner, Laura Maria Schreiber | Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Computational Fluid Dynamics of High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation (HFOV) | Fundamental Medical and Engineering Investigations on Protective Artificial Respiration, Ernst Heinrich Hirschel, Wolfgang Schröder, Kozo Fujii, Werner Haase, Bram Leer, Michael A. Leschziner, Maurizio Pandolfi, Jacques Periaux, Arthur Rizzi, Bernard Roux, Yurii I. Shokin, Michael Klaas, Edmund Koch, Wolfgang Schröder (Eds.)Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 107-128, 2011 | BibTeX 978-3-642-20325-1, DOI |
2010 |
Markus Rütten, Lars Krenkel | Vortex-Generator Pairs for Vortex-Induced Heat-Transfer Enhancement in Heat-Exchanger Channels | New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics VII : Contributions to the 16th STAB/DGLR Symposium Aachen, Germany 2008, Ernst Heinrich Hirschel, Wolfgang Schröder, Kozo Fujii, Werner Haase, Bram Leer, Michael A. Leschziner, Maurizio Pandolfi, Jacques Periaux, Arthur Rizzi, Bernard Roux, Yurii I. Shokin, Andreas Dillmann, Gerd Heller, Michael Klaas, Hans-Peter Kreplin, Wolfgang Nitsche (Eds.)Springer Berlin Heidelberg: Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 555-562, 2010 | BibTeX 978-3-642-14242-0, DOI 978-3-642-14243-7, |