Research funds

The EU Research Framework Programme "Horizon 2020" offers companies in particular improvements in the financing and execution of high-quality, demanding and EU-wide research projects.

In Bavaria, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) supports (among other things) the European Territorial Cooperation Programme (INTERREG V), which promotes cross-border projects, in the funding period 2014 to 2020.

As part of its high-tech strategy, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research's KMU-Innovativ programme promotes research for and with small and medium-sized enterprises in particular and makes access to research funding noticeably easier for them. In addition, the BMBF's "Research at Universities of Applied Sciences" programme supports application-oriented, primarily interdisciplinary research and development as well as young scientists at universities of applied sciences, in particular by improving the quality of life in urban and rural areas through the „FH-Sozial“ funding guideline.

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research supports the implementation of research and innovation projects within the framework of topic-specific and open-theme funding programmes. The broad range of funding is tailored to important fields of innovation or technology, but also to different challenges and starting conditions.

The overriding objective of the Innovationsfonds is to further develop the quality of care in statutory health insurance in Germany. To this end, the Federal Government has set up an Innovation Fund.

The Zentrale Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand supports small and medium-sized enterprises nationwide, open to technology and industry. "Individual projects" support companies alone, while "cooperation projects" and "cooperation networks" promote cooperation between companies and research institutions.

The funding programmes of the Bavarian-Czech Academic Agency range from scholarships for study visits, language courses, summer and winter schools in both countries, mobility grants for internships, research trips and excursions, funding for bilateral academic projects and conferences or joint project preparation to research alliances of several universities and colleges in Bavaria and the Czech Republic.

Funding programs and institutions of the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts


Specialist and funding programmes of the Bavarian State Ministry for Health and Nursing

The Bavarian Research Foundation promotes cooperation between industry and science within the framework of small projects, individual projects and research alliances. This enables more extensive and longer-term projects to be carried out.

The Zentrum Digitalisierung.Bayern (ZD.B) is a core element of the BAYERN DIGITAL strategy of the Bavarian State Government. The strategy was developed to actively shape the process of digitisation and to make the best possible use of the opportunities offered by digitisation in Bavaria. An important measure to strengthen competencies in the field of digitisation is the promotion of young researchers by supporting doctoral students. To this end, a Bavaria-wide doctoral program has been established at the Center for Digitization in Bavaria. With this funding programme, the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts enables up to ten doctoral students a year to receive financial support for their doctoral projects at state-run Bavarian universities.